A summer 2022 update
What a summer!

What a summer, friends! This summer was packed with academic and personal adventures. In early June I finally made the trip south to visit the Gulf Coast, where I visited the Mississippi Sandhill Crane Wildlife Refuge and saw several species of carnivore plants in the pine savanna, besides spending some good time at the beach.
Later in June I went to Louisiana to attend the Gulf South Mycological Society Summer Foray, which was a blast! It was great to connect with professional and amateur mycologists and learn more about the fungal biodiversity of the Southeast.
In July the Folk lab folks made our way to Anchorage, Alaska, to attend the Botany 2022 conference. Everybody presented talks, met up with folks for the first time since 2019 and had a generally good time! I took some extra time to go on a glacier cruise and also met up a couple of friends from Brazil that went to the conference. You can check a recording of my talk here.
At Botany, we also taught a workshop about Biodiversity Data Wrangling. The workshop was the first to sell out, and I think everybody enjoyed. Hopefully we can make it an annual tradition. All the material and tutorial for the Macroevolution module are available on my GitHub page. I also have added several repositories to my GitHub, including the computational tutorials from my Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing course, go check it out!
I also had time to roam around my corner of the state, both on foot and on my kayak! I also saw for the first time the three-birds orchid, Triphora trianthophoros, an elusive little terrestrial orchid native to the US. In my roamings, I also rescued a little kitty (now much bigger and rambunctious) from the parking lot of my local grocery store, which we named Bobbie Cat.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope your summer was good too!